Eczema Herbs Alternative Treatment

Eczema is not an infectious or contagious skin disorder. But, what can worsen the eczema problem is because of the infection from the bacteria. Bacteria can easily invade on the dry skin. Once the bacteria invade, you will not stop scratching and rubbing. This will increase the itchiness and making you to scratch more and more.

Until now, the real cure for eczema problem still not been found yet but treatment for recovering from eczema symptoms are a lot. This is because many organizations had produce eczema medicine nowadays. But, most of eczema medicine just effective for one short term only. To get better eczema treatment result, eczema patients should undergo the treatment continuously.

Normally, people will use natural remedy to treat eczema problem or other skin disorder. This is because natural herbs have no side effect to the patients. Thus, THE TOLE had planted his own herbal plants.

Eczema Herbal Acupuncture

Eczema is a skin problem that appears on the outer layer of the skin and often disturbing our life. This is because of the dry condition that making someone feels very itchy and sore on the affected area. If not being treated, eczema may become more severe. However, eczema cannot be spread by touching or connecting with people who having eczema because eczema is not a contagious disease.

Even though it is not contagious, you still need to treat the condition before it getting worse. Worst condition may cause the lesions to pus-filled and your skin surface turn to crusty, crack, and scaly. This will disrupt your daily activities.

According to Traditional Chinese Medicine, all the illness and ailments occur because of the Qi's (energy) flow in our body disturbed. Thus, Dato Tole need to stimulate the energy back by using herbal acupuncture treatment technique. With herbal acupuncture treatment, you can strengthen your body's immune system so that it can fight against the eczema virus.

Besides that, acupuncture can clear the heat inside patient's body. It can increase the dampness of the skin.